Thursday, January 1, 2009

The BEST Business just keeps on getting BETTER!

Unless you've been living in a cave, you're fully aware that we are in the midst of one of the worse economic collapses in the history of the word. World economic indeces have lost over 9 trillion dollars in value and hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost. Recently a very well known investor admitted to heading up one of the biggest ponzi schemes ever, costing the people who invested with him over 50 BILLION Dollars! Then of course you have the whole mortgage collapse and credit cirsis. And many experts predict the worse is yet to come. That’s bad news.

But those of us who have pursued Network Marketing (whether as a part time or full time career) have gone from relying on an employer to pay us and take care of our "security", to us finally "getting it" and realizing that WE are our only security.

What was once considered risky — starting a business — is rapidly becoming known as the smartest way to reduce taxes, increase your income, build net worth and create free time.

The traditional business for most of us is out of reach. Hundreds of thousands in start-up capital all at risk and far more than a full-time effort with competitors around every corner. There are no solid mentors and no life beyond the business. Network Marketing provides an alternative for those serious about their net worth and their freedom.

In his best-selling book, The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach says, "the beauty of this industry is that it’s all done for you. The only thing you need to do is find a reputable company — one that you trust, that offers a product or service you believe in and can get passionate about."

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad says, "you’re actually building an income-generating asset. Direct selling gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth."

And what once may have been looked down upon as a peddler’s opportunity is now seen far differently by those that should know. In the past few years alone, Network Marketing has been showcased in Forbes, USA Today, US News and World Report and the Wall Street Journal. In August, 2004, Fortune magazine described Network Marketing as the "The best kept secret of the business world."

In 2002, Warren Buffet got many people’s attention when Berkshire Hathaway purchased a major direct sales company. Buffet now owns three direct sales companies and has said, "dollar for dollar, it’s the best investment I’ve ever made." Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records, Virgin Atlantic and a host of other Virgin companies, founded Virgin Cosmetics in the UK — a direct sales company.

The list of major MLM investors reads like a who’s who: Bertelsmann, The Body Shop, Crayola, Hallmark Cards, Jockey, Nestle, Remington Industries, Sara Lee, Unilever and Time Warner.I n his most recent book, The Next Millionaires, Paul Zane Pilzer forecasts 10 million new millionaires in the U.S. over the next 10 years, and predicts many of them will be people who are getting involved in their own Network Marketing business now.

Network Marketing has grown every year for the past 20+ years, jumping over 91 percent in just the past 10 years. Today, more than 40 million of us enjoy annual sales of $30 BILLION in the U.S. and $100 billion worldwide.

Every week, an average of 175,000 new people in the U.S., and an additional 300,000 worldwide, sign up! Some will persevere with a personal vision of fun, health and abundance and go on to live extraordinary lives. Others of course will not harness this personal power and will just continue living a life of uncertainty. Either way, the opportunity to be part of a great movement in our country and the world is available to all of us.

We cannot deny that we are smack dab in the middle of the opportunity to change our lives and the lives of our families for generations to come. Not just with the wealth we can create, but with the wisdom to live lives worthy of such abundance. What we do with it today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter is entirely up to us. As good ol’ Henry Ford profoundly said: "Whether we think we can or think we can't, we're right."

It takes vision, courage and creativity to figure out every day how it will work for you. I hope you make it happen for yourself.

Wishing you the Best of Success & Prosperity!